
On this page, you will find our glossary including a range of definitions for valuable keywords and terms you may find throughout our website related to flat roofing.

Synthetic polymer – Synthetic polymers are derived from petroleum oil and are artificially produced in laboratories. Some examples include nylon, polyethene, polyester, Teflon and epoxy.


Fibreglass – Fibreglass is a common type of fibre-reinforced plastic using glass fibre. These fibres can be randomly arranged, flattened into a sheet, or woven into glass cloth.


Polyurethane/resin – Polyurethane is a plastic material that can either be rigid or flexible and is also known as resin.


Mastic Asphalt – Mastic Asphalt is one of the oldest waterproof materials used in many different constructions. It consists of a graded Limestone aggregate and asphaltic cement (i.e Bitumen).


Single-ply – Single-ply is wide width sheeting meant for low slope roofs and is created by strong, flexible membranes made up of synthetic polymer.


Waterproofing – Waterproof refers to something that doesn’t allow water in. A waterproof object is either covered or treated by a material that prevents the permeation of water.


Water-resistance – Water resistance refers to something that resists water penetration to some degree but not entirely. A water-resistant object is either coated or treated with a material that helps prevent water penetration.


Durability – Durability is used to describe how well an object lasts in certain conditions. If something has high durability it can last longer than something with low durability.


Eco-roof/green-roof – A green roof, or eco roof is an environmentally friendly alternative for a roof. It is a layer of vegetation planted over a waterproofing system that is installed on top of a flat roof or slightly sloped roof.


Biodiverse roofing – Biodiverse roofing is used to provide a habitat to create a wider diversity of flora and fauna. They can help improve habitat that was lost when building.


Liquid Roofing – Liquid roofing is the process of waterproofing a roof by applying a specialist liquid roof coating.

If you need any more information on these words and terms or have found a word you are unsure about that isn't included on this page, please contact us today, and a member of our team will be happy to help.